Well, the weeks are dwindling down. 3 more weeks until outreach! Daniel Norris, one of the staff on base, talked about faith in finances yesterday. He gave countless examples of when he and his wife were saving up for something and God told them to give it away. They always, without failure, got even more money in return than they gave away! It was really encouraging and really challenged me to give away. A YWAM base is definitely the place to test my faith in giving since everyone here needs money in one way or another. With that said, I'm about to start stressing about funds, and I don't want to stress! I want to have major faith that God is going to provide for this outreach. We've been praying and fasting for our outreach and getting a heart for the people there. Although 5,000 dollars seems like a lot, it's like nickels and pennies for the God I serve. I would really love any and all support you could give for this outreach! I have a long way to go to reach my goal, but I don't have a doubt in my mind that God can do it! If you would like to give, please email me, facebook me, comment on here, or visit the base website..click
HERE! Make sure you mention it's for me!
I've been learning more and more about faith. God isn't going to call me into something that he won't make provisions for. He is always going to make a way for something to happen, regardless of money! Money means nothing to the Lord, and I am so thankful for that! He also provides such awesome people and opportunities as well. I know that he won't lead me into something I cannot handle. Good thing he gives us the ultimate counselor, eh? I'm learning more and more about hearing God's voice. It's not only for the pastors, missionaries, and important Christian people. We are all given the Holy Spirit and he speaks to each one of us! We don't have to be big league "important Christians". All we have to do is ask him questions, and he will answer! How awesome is that??
Also, we have more confirmation on our outreach! The first two weeks will be spent in Tasmania (the little island below Australia, which is actually a part of Australia), the next two weeks will be spent in Cunnamulla which is an aboriginal community in the outback. And the remainder of outreach will be spent in Tahiti, helping pioneer a YWAM base there! I am so excited to take what I have been learning here to different nations! God is so good!
Tasmania! The blue island: our first outreach location! |
Cunnamulla! Our second Outreach location! |
The streets of Tahiti! | | | |
I am so excited to see how God is going to use our team on outreach! This week our lectures were on calling and vision.. scary, yet so, so good! I'll be writing more this weekend :) Love you all!
Praying for you!! :) He is about to amaze you! Love you and see you soon love xoxo